Friday, 3 January 2014

Week 7- New rough story outline

1. Tracking shot through the woods to reveal a house

2. Man approaches door, pauses for a moment outside, goes into his pocket and pulls out a key

3. He goes into this room, panning shots of room to reveal identity of man and his reasons for being in the room. (British iconography, calendar of date next to picture of wife)

4. He grabs a book from the bookcase and sits down. Shot of an empty chair next to him

5. He opens the book, 'Memories'… he's taken back by it, catching his breath, closing his eyes, eyes getting heavier and eventually stay shut.

6. A spirit figure emerges in front of him

7. The spirit takes a moment, looking around, slightly puzzled to why he is here

8. The spirit lands on the book, and the page comes to life

9. Amazed, the spirit touches the page and gets pulled into the book

10. Montage of man life memories

11. Spirit comes out of book, looks at the old man and realises that is him. This is the old mans spirit.

12. Another spirit appears behind him, it is his wife's spirit, they hold each others hand, touch the book and disappear together.

13. (Now they can live together, forever in their memories…) Maybe message left in book? 

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